Mobile Car Servicing Coventry

Our mobile mechanics serve customers situated in Coventry and the surrounding areas and operate from a van as opposed to a garage. Our mobile service offers convenience to all of our clients, since we can carry out work at your place of work or driveway! We commit ourselves to performing vehicle servicing to the highest standards, no matter the location of your car.

Get in touch with our family run business today to arrange a service, or to discuss the solutions we can provide.

Advantages Of Mobile Mechanics

While many people lean towards taking their vehicle to a garage for repair, there are several advantages to getting a mobile mechanic. Hiring a mobile mechanic is not only convenient, but it also offers several other benefits:

Reasons To Service Your Car

It is not a legal requirement to service your vehicle, however, there are a number of reasons as to why you should consider getting your vehicle serviced regularly. 


Frequent servicing can enable you to spot issues before they develop into major ones. Vehicle servicing will ensure that important checks are performed on vital car components, so that drivers can rest assured that their vehicle is safe to operate and in roadworthy condition.

Even if a vehicle seems to be in good condition, this does not mean that it is functioning optimally. The higher a vehicle’s mileage, the more wear and tear the vehicle will have sustained over time. Although deterioration may take some time, a service will spot any issues before they become major faults.  

Saving Money

If you neglect your vehicle, and do not service it as you should, this could result in expensive repairs later down the line. 

Arranging regular servicing will identify problems before they worsen. For instance, engine oil is necessary for protecting and lubricating the components within an engine. Lack of engine oil or oil leaks can cause it to seize up. Replacement engines cost a lot of money, so ensuring your oil level is at a satisfactory level can protect you from a major breakdown. 

Frequent servicing can also help your vehicle to run efficiently. Aligned tyres, the correct tyre pressure, and new air and oil filters can all help to reduce the amount of fuel that your vehicle consumes.

Maintain The Value Of Your Vehicle

It is surprising how much buyers expect for their money in the second hand market. Vehicles with evidence of frequent servicing or a comprehensive service history, are much more likely to get interest and attract a good selling price.

Optimises Vehicle Condition

Vehicles are made from many complex components and as a result, they need regular servicing to keep them working properly and efficiently. There is no doubt that regular vehicle servicing will lengthen the life span of your car. 

So next time you wonder if a vehicle service is worth it, consider how much a new car would cost you if your car failed due to neglect in upkeep. 

Choose Us For Mobile Vehicle Servicing

Just a few reasons to choose us for mobile vehicle servicing, include:

Contact Midlands Auto Fix

Get in touch with us today for mobile car servicing in Coventry or a nearby location.

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